When Beyoncé released her visional album I knew that I wanted to create an event to view it. I wanted to enjoy this piece of art with more than me and my laptop. So I planned a "Beyoncé Party" titled "Bowing Down to Beyoncé."
Caitlin was more than happy to have the party hosted at her house. Her and I specifically waited to watch Beyoncé's visual album together. The more I thought about, the more I enjoyed the fact that I waited nearly two months after the videos had been released to view them. It felt like I read a book & it was adapted to film. I spent many hours listening to the album & creating conceptions of how the music videos would be & I was amazed by what she created.
We couldn't have just watched the visual album, we needed to add some DIT&O details. We created a special cocktail for the night, Bacardi Watermelon. It was delicious! Like way too delicious, like dangerously delicious. I highly suggest making it. (The watermelon juice is a reference to her song "Drunk in Love" when she sings "I've been drinking watermelon.") We also had a photo booth, of course. Photo booth props included Beyoncé, Jay, and Blue (the whole family was there!). Before we premiered the visual album I created a YouTube playlist that included Beyonce's earlier work. It really got everyone in the mood. & right before we watched the visual album I played a portion of her YouTube video titled "'Self-Titled' Part 5, Honesty." It's the last video in the playlist & I cut it down to play the last two minutes. It was a great introduction to the visual album that included snapshots of the videos and commentary from the directors.

The event was so much fun. Thank you to everyone who attended & thank you Caitlin for opening your home to us!