Whiteboard Calendar DIY

EDIT: November 2013 - Thank you for visiting our blog! Please feel free to click around. Thank you your interest!

I've been needing a calendar in my room for ages and instead of paying $68 or $35 for one, I made one for myself. I had a white board that I wasn't really using and my mom gave me the idea of using pinstripe tape instead of electrical tape that I initially thought to use. I got the pinstripe tape from Auto Zone and it was only $3.22 with plenty of tape to spare. That's a savings.

What you'll need:
  • Whiteboard
  • A means of measurement
  • Scissors
  • Pinstripe Tape

The Supplies.
Evenly space the board to have 5 rows. Leave space for the month, year, & the days of the week. 
Oliver helping me measure.
Place the lines. I left room on the edges to trim at the end.
Create a row for the days of the week. Evenly space 7 columns. 

I added a diagonal to separate the month and the year. 
& here it is!


- Christina

P.S. - Don't forget about the giveaway!

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