Halloween and Day of the Dead are fast approaching, but there is still time to make something pretty and festive to wear on your head! I love floral crowns and make them for our DIT&O shop too. If you've used floral tape before this shouldn't be a problem, but wrapping the flowers and tulle can be tricky.
Materials: flat flexible wire, floral tape, 1-2 bunches of fake flowers, black tulle, wire cutters (scissors work too), halloween ribbon (solid or printed, is a preference and optional)
First cut your wire to 25 inches. The length around my head at an angle is about 23 inches and I leave extra wire to have some overlap. Overlap the ends about an inch and hold in place. Wrap your wire circle in floral tape. It's best to cut a long piece of floral tape to wrap so that it's easier to loop through the crown framework.
Continue by cutting the stems of your flowers leaving about 2 inches of space.
Cut the black tulle in about 6 inch pieces. You will need 2 pieces per flower.
Also pre-cut floral tape into about 4 inch pieces, one piece per flower.
Assemble the mini bouquets that you will be adding to the crown. Each mini bouquet will consist of 2- 6 inch pieces of tulle folded in half, and one flower. position the tulle under the flower so that it will be between the wire and fake flower.
Make sure you have enough flowers by laying them around the wire circle. I bought one bunch from Michaels because the fake flowers were 70% off and it just happened to be just enough to wrap around the entire wire. When attaching the last mini bouquet you need to tuck it under the already attached flowers so you have a completely filled crown.
I just love crowns, I would wear one everyday if I didn't look ridiculous at the grocery store with a crown on. You can catch me wearing it at our Halloween Movie Night this weekend!
Happy Halloween!
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