Founded by Julie Gueraseva, Laika Magazine is THE most beautiful vegan lifestyle magazine. I highly suggest this magazine to vegans and non vegans alike. There are a lot of stereotypes that put veganism in the "boring" category but Laika Magazine proves otherwise. As a vegan, I can't believe how many cool vegan things are out there! & it's great that these vegan companies, people, & websites are being recognized.
Laika Magazine covers vegan makeup, clothing brands, activism, food (!), animals, events & food. Did I mention food? Not only is the quarterly magazine beautiful, but their blog is just as great. Laika's blog provides detailed interviews, recipes, beauty features, and round-ups of vegan friendly towns. I found Colleen Patrick-Goudreu's Mexican Chocolate Cake on Laika's blog. That cake is mouth watering & super simple. I used that recipe for many occasions including Karissa & John's engagement party!
You can find their magazine on newsstands or order it at their website!
- Christina
Photos by me & taken from laikamagazine.com
I can't wait to try that yummy Mexican Chocolate Cake!!