Links We Love

Keeping up with reading blogs is a full time job.  We keep up with them with the help of Bloglovin.  It keeps all of the blogs you follow and lets you know how many posts you have yet to read.  Sometimes that number can be over 1,000, crazy right, that's when we haven't read any for a couple of days (We follow a lot of blogs).

We love Refinery29 but keeping up with them is near impossible, though it is a blog it has so many contributors and writers that they have over one hundred posts a day, so it seems.  

<<<<Here are some posts we're coveting right now. >>>>

Design Sponge: Best of Inspiration boards  I love a good mood board 

Honestly Yum: Pesto Pea Pasta Salad  (sans feta cheese is vegan!)

Vintage Revivals: Thread Wrapped Stool  time consuming but worth it! 

Any good reads you've found this week? Comment below! 

– DIT&O 

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