Coconut Coffee Shake

I had this awesome idea to use a mexican paleta for a drink. Super easy I blended the whole popsicle, coffee, coconut milk and ice. I wasn't sure how much of the popsicle I would need so I started with half but you definitely need the whole thing. It was so good because it has pieces of coconut in it and if you love coconut like I do then it'll be a dream! 

the recipe
1 paleta (popsicle)
6oz strong coffee (can be added to taste)
4oz coconut milk
hand full of ice 


-Karissa @karissa_mariep

Tea & Social Vendors + helloDIT&O Shop!

My vision for the tea and social was to have a big networking opportunity for our very talented friends.  We emailed a group of our friends that sell their crafts, or provide services and heard back from some willing participants! Our helloDIT&O shop had for sell floral crowns, chalkboard mugs, hanging planters, jersey twisted headbands, leather cord tacos and sewn paper bunting.  All of which will be up on our new helloDIT&O Etsy shop! (announcing when it's up soon- working hard!) 

Christina's sister, Natalie was one of our vendors and sells her children's booties, dresses and pincushions.  You can find her items for sell at  She also makes custom quilts, like the baby clothes one she made pictured below (cat not included). 

photo from Natalie's Instagram of baby quilt 
photo from Natalie's Instagram

Ashley is a good friend that sells jewelry.  She had some candles left over in stock so she had those for sell too.  I bought one of her pieces and will be posting it up soon too!   She unfortunately hasn't been selling on Etsy, but if you check out her Instagram @pineappleashley you can see some of her jewelry.  

Wendyful Designs, sells so much variety!  All of her sewn designs, and things from plushies, costumes, totes, head bands and small bags.  Her Etsy link is  Like her on Facebook! Wendy's sister also sold her illustrated stickers, no website at the moment but she can be contacted at lecroixjet25[at]  Stickers inspired by popular media, they're super cool! 

Wendyful Designs table set up at the event, photo from her Instagram

ArtsycrAfton, had for sell some jewlery but she mainly does her watch ties.  They are really cool and hoping to get one soon for my watch collection.  Her Etsy is

photo from her instagram of a wrap necktie watch

FromZombieswithLove sells geeky bows and plushies and they are super cute!  Check out her etsy  Her business card was really cool and I got to meet the woman that made them!  It's laser cut wood with all of her information.  You can find TheSistersWood on Etsy and Facebook.  

photo from @fromzombieswithlove on instagram 

Courtney Seymour advertised her Etsy shop where she does custom paintings. You choose the movie scene and she'll paint you or your friends in the painting! Very unique & cute!

Caitlin is a graphic designer and she was part of our event, not only the planning (Thanks, C!) but also as a vendor and promoting her service.  Her blog is  

Thank you again to all of our vendors! Looking forward to our holiday edition! 

–Karissa @karissa_mariep

Photos by: Ashley Lynn Richards Photography

Thank You!

We couldn't be more thankful for all of the help & those who attended our first Autumnal Equinox Tea & Social. The event was such a success & we couldn't have done it without you. For the next few posts we will share all the details of the event. We hope you'll enjoy!

Photos taken by Christina's sister, Ashley. We are so thankful for all of your hard work!

@karissa_mariep & @city_loveee

Announcing our Tea & Social to Celebrate the First Day of Fall!

This weekend we've been hard at work prepping for next weekend. On September 22nd, DIT&O is hosting an opportunity to gather and meet other creative minds on the first day of fall. You will have the opportunity to play games, DIY, have tea & food, socialize, and most importantly visit local vendors selling their handmade goods.

Everyone is welcome so feel free to bring your mom, your daughters, grandmas, anyone!

Planning our layout.

Karissa screen printing with her handmade screen press. 

Caitlin helping DIT&O gather materials.

Shirts made for our raffles! 

DIT&O cannot be more excited for this event. We have a lot to offer this coming Sunday so feel welcome to have a cup of tea with us!



Personal Goal: Sleep Better

Instagram pic of Buzz 

My goal is to be in bed by 10 pm everyday turn off at tech gadgets an hour before bed.  Granted, this will be difficult, it will help my mind to reach a relaxed and peaceful state that will lead to a state of serenity and sleep– sounds lovely doesn't it.   I tend to not have a bed time, I sleep when I finally feel tired enough (not good).  Sometimes that's at 2 in the morning and while my cats lay around me having been asleep for hours, I catch up on my blog reading, tv show or maybe Pinterest.   This hyperarousal (in its mildest form) keeps me up until I can't fight anymore and sometimes fall asleep with the iPad on me or with my glasses on.  Instead before bed, I will spend my time finally finishing a book I'm in the middle of and having a cup of tea.   I'm looking forward to kicking some bad habits of mine when it comes to sleep, and learning some good ones from my cats because they are professional sleepers. (no really there's an article about that too!)  

Here are some interesting points I found while reading about sleep: 
- The Japanese and Americans sleep the least at a little more than 6 hours. 
- 34% of Mexicans say they sleep more than 8 hours on weeknights (woah! Is it a Mexican thing? I love my sleep that much too) 
- The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours nightly, though there is no magic number. 
- Mexico has the highest rate of those of who pray before bed (the relaxed state can also lead to better sleep and more sleep)
- "U.K. residents were most likely to opt for a soothing drink before bed or to read a book or magazine in print" < sounds like my goal! 

Inspired by this Refinery 29 article. 
International Bedroom Poll

Any tips or good habits you have to share? Please do! 

– Karissa 

DIT&O Yard Sale Round-Up

We had so much fun at our yard sale this weekend! Here's a little round-up of what we had. We can't wait to share our next event with you guys (which was announced on our Instagrams, @karissa_mariep & @city_loveee).

Some of our handmade goods.

John, Karissa's fiance, made us a A board that was very handy!

Karissa's jewelry and succulent arrangement.

Christina's chalkboard paint mugs.

Karissa's hanging succulents. 

Most importantly, thank you to the Raya's who provided a space for us to have this yard sale. Your help this weekend was indispensable!  



Adventures in kombucha making

I got my first scoby from a friend who took a kombucha making class who in turn taught me the ways of kombucha making. Kombucha is essentially a sweet black tea that is then fermented with a s.c.o.b.y. (Symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast).  It ferments in a dark, warm spot for 1-3 weeks and then it's bottled and flavored. (My favorite part!) All you have to do to flavor is place your fruit (frozen or fresh), herb or vegetable into the bottle before sealing.  My last bottling round I got a little crazy and flavored with Serrano chilies!  Not with too much because I was a little afraid myself.   Kombucha is full of probiotics and tremendously good for your intestines and overall health (plus energizing! caffeine!).

For classes check out Kombucha Kamp.

Kombucha all set to grow and ferment for 2 weeks. 

Instagram image @karissa_mariep.  My serrano flavored batch!