Spring Cleaning & a Hanging Bedside Table

If you're anything like me, when you need to get down to work (think homework or blog work or work-work) you need to have a clean workspace or environment around you.   This past week that is exactly what I've been attempting to focus on- cleaning.   I'll pick a room and deep clean as much as possible (while taking small breaks of course).   Yesterday I focused on our bedroom.  Busted out the carpet cleaner and cleaned our rug! Gasp! 

Our room is pretty small... So having a bedside table proved difficult with the armoire next to my side of the bed.  So to make up for that, I hung a "table" from the ceiling.  I used this diy as inspo.   The bowl is from the home goods section of Target and I used a macrame cord I purchased from Jo-ann for a previous project. 

By far the room in the worst condition is the office (my craft space).   One of my goals is to also get-rid-of-stuff.   I would really like to live as minimally as possible.  Rather than hoard every craft material possible I want to use them up before buying more.    Minimalism is really a lifestyle I want John and I to embrace.  Here's what I've been reading: Minimalism Is The Secret To Getting Sh*t Done: Here's Why & What are Minimalism and Simple Living? 

Here's to another productive week. 

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